The Only Way To Go Deeper In Your Meditation

How can I deepen my meditation?

A very popular question at the moment, likely because there is no answer out there that really satisfies the question.

Until now.

In meditation, you typically focus on a body part to redirect thoughts from the external world and go deeper into the body.

However you need to understand that this is only minimising your thinking to focus on your physical body. Once you are mentally aware of you physically sitting there, that is as far as you can go with thought. And as far or deep as mindfulness, body scanning or any other technique can take you.

All thought and thought based meditation techniques are once removed from what they meditate on. These are just memories and repetitions, hindering your deepening and immediate connection or integration with anything immediate or current. You get entangled in thought processes or thought-based techniques, hampering your capacity to genuinely sense your body.

To go deeper, you need to physically sense, and so feel your sense of being alive as you are sitting there, however that feels for you.

Returning to your physical sense beneath shallow thinking is the essence of natural meditation. At this depth of felt sensation, everything about you merges, and you can only access the understanding of it within this sense of self.

This is the point where you discover the interconnection between the body and mind. This is where and how the unresolved and unconscious becomes conscious and resolvable for you. When you’re just sitting there, physically still, feeling all that there is to feel beneath the shallowness of thinking.

Immersed in this felt depth in the body is what will enable recovery from the effects of life and make you whole.

This is how you will go deeper in your meditation.

When you are actually meditating, you are as deep as you can go; the already felt, sensed and known body of you.

This fullness of sensing dominates, and the shallowness of thinking fades into insignificance.

When you’re using a technique, you are in a  thought process of trying to meditate. The repetition of a technique is therefore not yet meditation and will not become so.

In repeating a technique or manta you get stuck in trying to meditate, rather than actually meditating and this way you’ll never go any deeper. You will just keep trying forever, and at best satisfy yourself with hypnotically induced states which have some short-lived effect. But as these are also thought based they are still shallow and will in no way allow you to deepen your meditation.

The only way to get depth is to go beneath any thinking/techniques into the felt sensations within the body.

Undo Life Navigation app will teach you, guide you in all of this and more if you want to download it. This offers ample information, allowing you to explore the approach thoroughly before proceeding with the download. But we have had a lot of success from this approach so we know that it works.

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