Three Steps To Finding The Best Meditation App For You

Finding the right meditation app for you is an important decision. Meditation is very personal and its benefits can be life-changing – if you pick the right one for you.

So let’s get into it.

First of all, you need to understand the different types of meditation in the meditation apps that are out there. This way you can get a better understanding of what type of meditation is right for you.

Most of the main meditation apps on the market right now – although they sometimes state otherwise – provide religious-based meditation techniques.

That’s mindfulness, visualization, mantras, zen, noting, TM, body scanning, harmonics, and the list goes on.

These types of meditation apps are teaching their user’s thought-based techniques, approaching the individual and their meditation from the outside,

They’re examining a problem, like ‘anxiety‘, to determine how to fix it externally and what to apply to change that problem.

These meditations offer superficial relief and a brief ‘feel good’, by temporarily disconnecting users from issues through thought-based techniques.

This disconnection makes the user feel like they’ve resolved the issue, because they are no longer in contact with that issue. Meaning, the issue will come back as soon as they stop distracting from it through techniques.

This cannot connect a person to themselves or provide any real deep healing or understanding in that individual.

Before chasing the ‘feel good’, know that thought-based techniques can detach one from their body and keep them stuck in a new limiting state.

Meditating on the same thought-based idea repeatedly can cause you to become stuck in that limited perspective.

Thinking about what a Christian or Buddhist feels like reveals a certain feeling, presence, or attitude about them. It’s due to thought patterns they’ve imposed on themselves, aiming for an ideal, goal, or state they want to attain. It becomes a part of them, but it is also a limitation that they have put on themselves.

For example, if a user meditates with mindfulness, they may become stuck in the same limiting thoughts as a Buddhist.

Now, natural and deep meditation, on the other hand, has a different approach.

It originates from within, eventually forming as the expression of the person, allowing them to examine issues like ‘anxiety’ from the inside out, and identifying and resolving the source of the problem.

This meditation has a deep healing effect and helps a person find an understanding of themselves if it’s supported with the proper education.

A person can struggle to see blind spots or beliefs, but with genuine education, the user can overcome this challenge.

In our meditation app, Undo, we offer answers to help individuals navigate life and understand themselves on a deep level. Ultimately, the individual decides how much they access themselves for the app to achieve its full effect.

Now that you’ve understood the basics of available meditations, follow these steps to discover the best meditation app for you.

  1. Take a look at 3, 4, or even 5 different apps that you are drawn to.
  2. Before you start each meditation app take note – maybe even write down – how you are feeling.
  3. Use the app for at least 10 minutes, trying out whatever meditation or content interests you.
  4. After using the app, note how you feel now and compare it to how you felt before starting.

If feeling worse, undermined, inadequate, or unsure if you’ve done it right, be wary of that app. 

If the app is right for you, you should feel relief, contentment, and a sense that life may become easier.

You should feel a renewed, deep interest in life, clear and genuine, not superficial, and unswayed by future actions. It should be a satisfying feeling, like when you’ve had a great day, you’ll feel the results of genuine satisfaction.

Your life should also start to work better straight away. After using the app, you should have unprecedented understanding, direction, clarity, and no vagueness or questions about your meditation.  

Do not continue with a meditation or a meditation app until this is the result after using it. It is not worth it and will leave you with no lasting results.

Once you find the right meditation app, we recommend using it or meditating at least daily.

People who meditate daily report improved concentration, well-being, self-understanding, reduced anxiety, and better stress management. So what are you waiting for, go find the perfect app for you.

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